Accessing configuration
There are two ways to configure blueprints boy. First is using yielded configuration object in BlueprintsBoy.enable:
BlueprintsBoy.enable do |config|
config.filenames = 'data/blueprints.rb'
Another way is by calling BlueprintsBoy.config directly:
BlueprintsBoy.config.filenames = 'data/blueprints.rb'
Configuration options
There are several things BlueprintsBoy allows to configure:
By default blueprints starts transactions on an empty database. This option allows you to specify blueprints that are built before starting transaction. This means that data for them will be available in all tests and they will need to be built only once (not once before each test case but once before test suite). Note that if you’re not using transactions this option should not be used as it will not speedup your test suite.
BlueprintsBoy.enable do |config| = :user, :post
BlueprintsBoy tries it’s best to determine the root directory of your application. It will use Rails.root if it’s available or assume current dir otherwise. However you may want to customize it to any other dir you want. Root accepts String or Pathname objects.
BlueprintsBoy.enable do |config|
config.root =
Allows setting custom patterns of files that contain your blueprints (in case one of automatic ones doesn’t fit your needs). This can either be a single pattern or array of patterns. By default these patterns are used:
- blueprints.rb
- blueprints/*.rb
- spec/blueprints.rb
- spec/blueprints/*.rb
- test/blueprints.rb
- test/blueprints/*.rb
BlueprintsBoy.enable do |config|
config.filenames = 'data/blueprints.rb'
By default BlueprintsBoy runs in transactional mode. This means that before each test/spec transaction is opened. Then you create, manipulate and destroy data using methods provided by BlueprintsBoy or any other means. After each test transaction is dropped thus returning your database state to the one before transaction was started. However in some cases transactions need to be turned off (eg. using non transactional database or running using cucumber with selenium). This option allows you to do that. Note that turning off transactions will usually slow your tests severely.
BlueprintsBoy.enable do |config|
config.transactions = false
By default BlueprintsBoy uses DatabaseCleaner for cleaning up before test suite and each test. If for some reason you want to use something else it’s possible to use custom cleaner for that. It’s best to check BlueprintsBoy::Cleaner class for an example on how to roll your own solution.
BlueprintsBoy.enable do |config|
config.cleaner =