
Updating and destroying

Demolishing built blueprints

It is possible to demolish blueprint that has already been built (mostly used for prebuilt blueprints). Similarly to build method demolish takes array of arguments, but instead of building those blueprints it demolishes them. By default this calls destroy method on return value of blueprint block, but can be customized.

# Destroy :apple and :peach
demolish :apple, :peach

# in blueprint.rb file
blueprint :apple do
  Fruit.blueprint :species => 'apple'
end.demolish do

# This now calls @apple.delete instead of default @apple.destroy
demolish :apple

Updating blueprints

Since version 0.8.0 building a blueprint with options when it was already built allows to update it. By default this simply calls blueprint method with passed options on return value of blueprint block, but can be customized.

# Build :apple and later update it with 'autumn apple' species
build :apple
build :apple => {:species => 'autumn apple'}

# in blueprint.rb file
blueprint :apple do
  Fruit.blueprint :species => 'apple'
end.update do
  @apple.attributes = options

# This now only sets attributes for @apple but doesn't save it
build :apple
build :apple => {:species => 'autumn apple'}